You owe it to yourself to be available for a better position. You need to be visible so that position can find you. Don’t let your Network grow stale.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #bevisible #passivejobsearch #dontbestale #ilikebetter


Be visible! Share, Like, comment, write original content…often. Networking is the way to find your next (better) job. Visibility on social media offers you your best utility.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #visibility #whereareyou #bydn #golfingisnetworking


Communicate well & TIMELY & you’ll move yourself to the top of the list!

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #timelynetworking #dontghost #followthefu**up


If you don’t look forward to waking up Monday & going to work, it’s time to evaluate what you are doing.
#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #ihatemyjob #ilovemyjob #switchers #lifeistooshort #workblows


When you get back out into the world to Network, don’t waste time talking about vaccines or that virus thing.
Be intentional!
#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #yeahiwentthroughittoo


Recruiter positions are hot! There are not enough good, qualified recruiters available. Keep that in mind when you are looking or interviewing for a position. Network your way into your next job.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #recruiterdrought #jobsearch


Success is earned in the rain & the cold! Motivation is internal! #whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #what #sundayvibes


Don’t let your Networking efforts become stale! Do something different, join a new group, maybe out of your comfort zone. Growth comes from challenge.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #growordie #challengetochange #growth #wednesdaythoughts


From my good friend & top HR person, Eric Emiliani regarding recruiting, “You can’t do what everyone else does & expect good results, you have to do something different”.

You have to be creative to be a good recruiter.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #bobknowseric #recruiting #recruitingtips #ericknowshr #humanressource

Chances are it’s not your contacts that will get you your next job, it’s your contacts contacts or one of their contacts……& so on.
#whatdoesbobknow #alotofcontacts #intentionalnetworking #networking #serendipitousnetworking #jobsearch #jobswillfindyou


Joe connects with you on Linkedin & immediately tries to sell you. Joe is a poor Networker & salesman. Don’t be like Joe! To the Joe’s out there, don’t send me a connection request! Btw, no one else wants you to connect either. If we made the mistake of connecting with you, we will delete you.
#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #badnetworking #getoffmysocialmedia


Saturday, Sunday….any day that ends in Y is a good day for Networking! Side effects include business/personal gains.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking s #weekendnetworking


Attention recruiters, active & passive candidates. In the past month I have seen candidates lose the chance to interview & clients lose candidates because they did not act quickly enough. Candidates are getting multiple offers & companies can not wait around for people to check their email or Linkedin account “when I have time”.



Jobs/the economy are heating up! Ramp up your Networking! Set up a Networking plan, Intentionally Network.  Start & follow up.

2 of the top Networking mistakes:

  1.  Initially, selling yourself rather than listening & asking how you can help.

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #followthef**kup


Just hit 20,000 connections. It’s not just about reaching a number. It’s about your content, the value that you give. The more “intentional” connections you can deliver great content to, the more successful you are.
#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #intentionalconnections #bydn #contentisking #ydoupost #recruitment2021 #digitalmarketing #socialmediathoughts #noexcuses #30000isclose




Bet on the jockey not the horse. The team with the best people win. Find a team with the best people.
#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #jobsearch #recruiting


People who have been Networking during the pandemic & continue to Network, will be far ahead of those who have not/are not!

Btw, my clients have jobs. www.courtrightassoc.com/openings/

#whatdoesbobknow #intentionalnetworking #networking #noexcuses #mondaymotivations #jobs #bestnetworkwins